Terms and Conditions
- Gulf Air Academy will always advice the student in his/her “Flight training, Theoretical Training, Visa Process, all documents needed during the studying period & all manners during his stay in Greece” in the best way possible according the academy’s experience, knowledge, rules & regulations.
- Personal decision made by the student must not interfere/effect his/her academic and training progress in any way possible.
- The student must not disclose any personal and/or internal information related to Gulf Air Academy to any third-party.
- It is the student’s sole discretion to comply with advice given by Gulf Air Academy or not.
- If the student chooses to not comply with the recommendations of the academy whether in accommodation, visa process, training progress or anything else, it is their sole discretion to bear any outcome.
- If the student obtains accommodation from the academy, they must at all times maintain the accommodation in the best condition possible.
- The student grants the academy the full right to inspect -at its discretion- the accommodation of the student at any time without prior notice.
- The student is solely responsible for the results of the actions taken by him/her.
- The student hereby acknowledges, understands and accepts that weather or operational considerations, are unpredictable factors affecting the course ‘s timetable. Nevertheless, Gulf Air Academy reserves the right to change the course ‘s timetable, at any time, at its sole discretion. Subject to the school ‘s principal approval, in the case of training sessions’ cancellations due to such reasons, replacement sessions will be provided.
- The student hereby acknowledges, understands and accepts the obligation to notify the school prior to conducting absences from any training sessions. Gulf Air Academy clarifies that accumulated unexcused absences could possibly generate a need for replacement training sessions, which will be charged at the school ‘s current pricing policy.
- The student hereby acknowledges, understands and accepts the responsibility to monitor carefully his/her absences as well as the responsibility to request replacement sessions within each training period, via submission of the relevant request form to the school ‘s principal, in avoidance of additional charges. Unexcused absences from training sessions cannot be transferred and/or replaced in between the training periods, with exception to extenuating circumstances subject to Academy ‘s Principal’s and the General Director’s approvals.
- The student hereby acknowledges, understands and accepts that fees do not include additional trainings outside those provided within the course ‘s outline, which will be charged at the current pricing policy. Furthermore, Gulf Air Academy reserves every right to replace aircrafts of the same or higher training value in accordance to the training session requirements.
- The students must wear the full uniform at all times during their presences in the academy.
- Racist, religious, ethnicity and hate statements within all the academy’s premises including the accommodation and with any student or employee of the academy are completely prohibited and may lead to corrective action including termination.
- The student must adhere to time schedules at all times, failure to attend in time may result in training session cancellation and cancellation fees may apply according to the academy’s current rate policy.
- In the event of a cancellation of training session whether theoretical or flight due to any reason caused by the student, the student must cover the cost of the training session and future training session will be suspended until the cost is covered.
- Transportation -if obtained- is from the office in in Megara to the Airport only.
- It is the student’s responsibility to be at the operations office in Megara for the flight at the required time as per the schedule.
- The student must inform the academy through the correct channels and documents when conducting any absence for any reason and it is the discretion of the academy to reject the reason
- The student is always expected to maintain a professional code of conduct. Cell phones are not permitted in the classrooms or during any training session. Physical violence against any per son whilst undertaking any training at Gulf Air Academy will result an instant dismissal from the course.
- The student hereby acknowledges, understands and accepts that consumption of alcohol or other substances impairing the student’s ability to perform well, is strictly forbidden at Gulf Air Academy premises and must not be consumed within 24 hours prior to engaging in any school activity, ground training or flight training. Any excessive use of alcohol or similar substances on or off the school premises will be grounds area, other than those designates. Furthermore, food or drinks is not allowed within the classrooms.
- The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and may lead to corrective action as deemed necessary by the academy including the immediate dismissal from the academy.
- The academy has the full right to conduct a medical and/or sobriety test at any time without prior notice.
- Refund is only applicable in the case of Security rejection of the visa from the Greek Embassy. No refund is made for any other reasons.