
Start From

Thursday, Nov 4, 2022




Course Description

The best way to stand out among applicants for your Pilot job. This course is designed to save the student 2 years of his life, by studying to get 2 certificates simultaneously (Airline Transport Pilot licence + Flight Dispatcher)


Course includes

    • Integrated ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence)
    • Flight Dispatcher


Course Details

    • Duration: 14 – 20 Months
    • Location: Athens, Greece
    • Cost: 62,000 EURO


Prices are all-inclusive and include the below

• Uniform
• Accommodation (Optional)
• Transportation
• Studying Materials & Books (All Subjects)
• CBT (Computer Based Training)
• Maps & Charts
• Flight Computer
• Knee-board
• Aircraft Manuals
• Landing Fees
• Approach Fees
• Examination Fees
• Medical Certificate Fees {*initial}
• Fuel
• Tax-Free


Theoretical Training Subjects

The Ground school course is 800 classroom hours composed of the following syllabus and subjects
    • Air Law
    • General Navigation
    • Radio-navigation
    • Meteorology
    • Human Performance
    • VFR Communications
    • IFR Communications
    • Operational Procedures
    • Principles of Flight
    • Aircraft Performance
    • Flight Planning
    • Mass & Balance
    • Aircraft General Knowledge (Systems)
    • Aircraft General Knowledge (Instrumentation)


Course Structure

    • PHASE 1: ATPL Integrated
      • (0 to 3) Months
        • Stage1: Theoretical Training & Lectures (Full Ground School Training) + Exams Preparation & Revision
      • (4 to 7) Months
        • Stage2: Theoretical Training & Lectures (Full Ground School Training) + Exams Preparation & Revision
        • Brush-ups
        • 75 Flying hours (Basic & Intermediate)
      • (8 to 11) Months
        • Stage3: Revision & Preparation for HCAA Examinations.
        • HCAA Exams
        • 120 Flying hours (Intermediate & Advanced)
      • (12 to 18) Months
        • 201 Advanced Flight Training + Multi Engine + Night Rating + MCC
        • Flight Skill Test
    • PHASE 2: Flight Dispatcher Modules
      • Stage1: Air Law
      • Stage2: Aircraft General Knowledge
      • Stage3: Flight Performance Calculation – Planning procedures & Loading
      • Stage4: Human Performance
      • Stage5: Meteorology
      • Stage6: Navigation
      • Stage7: Operational Procedures
      • Stage8: Principles of Flight
      • Stage9: Radio Communications 
Qualification Length Code

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